Calibrare monitor

Please use these samples to calibrate your monitor.
This site was designed with a properly calibrated monitor.
If some colors seem dark or images are hard to see it may be your monitor.
If your monitor has trouble with this site it is very likely
that it needs to be balanced.

Color bar is red at both ends and should have gradual
transition between colors

Monitors with limited colors will not be smooth.

Or you may see banding like this.

You should see ten separate tones from pure white to pure black.

Below are four boxes. One is totally black and one is totally white.
There should be no color tint in any box.

Move away from your monitor to see which box is about the same shade
as the surrounding area. That is your "screen gamma".

Most photographer's web pages are designed for 1.8 Gamma.

"Wintel" computers and TV monitors are calibrated for 2.2 Gamma.

Photoshop and Apple's Quicktime offer ways to change your gamma.


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